PE102 and Novalynx maintenance.
West slope.
- -4 - funnel was not directly under the drain. Repositioned.
- -2, 2 & 4 may need to be flushed/cleaned
- Reseated the questionable PE102 connectors
- -2 - tipping bucket was stuck. Adjusted the screws holding the shaft so it moves freely.
Center slope:
- -1 and leak - replaced bad proxy switches
- 2 - tipping bucket was caught on a screw that was along the side of the body.
Tipping bucket calibration
Tipping bucket calibration testing on Sept 25th, between 12:46 pm to 2:47 pm.
Out of the schedule rain on miniLEO
According to the schedule, rain on miniLEO stopped at 16:30 on Sept 24th. Rain started again at 17:35 unexpectedly and continued overnight until 8:05 in the morning. Rain scheduler in use was without PID.
Rainfall distribution testing on minLEO surface
Rain fall distribution was tested on miniLEO surface on September 22nd, 2019 between 9.52am to 10.07am and 10.57am to 11.12 am. Sprinkler heads were adjusted after first test. Second test showed reasonably uniform distribution.
1 sec/min Data logging Performance Issue
There was a performance issue with the main dsc.b2 server with generating log files for 1 minute and 1 second log files.
Affected time range: 9/11/2019 8:10 PM to 9/16/2019 10:40AM
LEO CNR4 Center Bay West Sensor Re-purposed
The west most CNR4 Sensor (LEO-C_10_-2_0_CNR4) was removed from the Center Bay mast on Thursday August 8th between 8am and 10 am by Aaron Bugaj.
This sensor is temporary being used in the West bay for a remote sensing experiment.
There is no LEO CSAT3 for the East or West bay installed due to damage/maintenance.
Data logging to the East and West bay have been stopped as of 7/25/2019 8:25am.
LEO Center Load 14_-3_0 cells 3130 channel swap
load cell 14_-3_0 signal channel was swapped to see if the noise was less prevalent in the other channel.
Zero Air Generator Running Status
The aadco inst. Zero Air Generator was offline due to repair/maintenance.
- Summer 2018. Approximate dates 4/25/2018-6/27/2018.
- 2/13/2019-2/14/2019
- 4/18/2019-4/26/2019
- 4/30/2019-5/1/2019
- 5/7/2019-5/8/2019
LI7000 missing data
LI7000 configuration was changed unknowingly, subsequently, we have a long time period of lost data.
Data since 2017-11-20 11:20:48.
The issue was rectified on 2019-03-13 22:23:05.