Last modified by Michael Sibayan on 2022/05/03 16:48
Blog - Data-logging and Controls - posts for March 2020
Mar 24, 2020,
Corrected center bay PE102 leak data
PE102 Center bay for the leak was wired incorrectly, hence, it was never recording properly since 2018 till Jan 2020.
Since this PE102 only measured the leak from the seepage, it only exhibited low flow rate and was never above the minimum flowrate of the PE102.
However, due to a recent accidental discovery of the seepage leak in the center bay with the -2 and -1 seepage locations clogged, it had increased the flowrate of the leak to a point that was greater than the Novalynx tipping bucket measurable flowrate and within the measurable flowrate of the PE102.
The Database has been updated with the corrected PE102 center bay leak flowrate.