
Last modified by Michael Sibayan on 2022/05/03 16:48

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LEO-E wetting on 2013-01-25

Jan. 25, 2013 From 10:50 to 17:50 (MST) irrigation circuit Multi2 (E) was run.
Recorded flow rate was approximately 1.13 liters per second - 7100 liters total

LEO-E rain drop analysis

On 1/2/13 between approx 10 am and 12:30 pm, rain drop diameter and velocity distributions were measured on LEO1 slope. Measurements were acquired at two locations (upper and lower slope along central axis) for each rain circuit and then for all circuits simultaneously for 5 minutes at each setting.
(Notes from Jon Pelletier)

LEO-E irrigation testing

On December 19, 2012 starting at 8:30am a series of irrigation tests were preformed. This test was designed to characterize the irrigation pattern (distribution of water) over the surface of the hill slope.
Test#1 - Irrigation circuit A "MP2000" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate  0.282176 liters per second
Test#2 - Irrigation circuit B "Interm" 40 minutes
-> Flow rate = 0.228867 liters per second
Test#3 - Irrigation circuit C "MP3000" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate = 0.649184 liters per second
Test#4 - Irrigation circuit D "Multi1" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate = 1.48213 liters per second
Test#5 - Irrigation circuit E "Multi2" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate = 0.765027 liters per second

LEO-E wetting on 2012-11-14

At approximately 10:30 on Dec. 14, 2012 a rain event was started using the MP2000 (A) and Interm (B) irrigation circuits on the west half of the east hill slope (negative cross slope area).
At approximately 14:35 on Dec. 14, 2012 the rain event was ended.
Inbound flow rate is unknown and was not logged.

LEO-E wetting on 2012-11-05

Monday, Nov. 5, 2012: Rain event started at 11:30 AM - ended at 4:50PM
Irrigation valves open: A,B,C,D (MP2000, Interm, MP3000, Multi1)
Reported flow rate: 1.87 liters / second

East irrigation test on 2012-11-02

Friday, Nov 2, 2012 @ 12:15 irrigation started - 14:15 irrigation stopped. Rain for two hours: Int, Multi 2, MP2000 (ABE).
Recorded flow rate: 1.2 liters per second
approx 8640 liters were applied, load cells indicated 8500kg wight change, this indicates a total depth of 2.6 cm for two hours.

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