Last modified by Michael Sibayan on 2022/05/03 16:48

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PE102-038 East Bay -2 Swap

The PE102-038 in East bay -2 position was measuring about 1/2 of expected counts. Flowmeter from the +4 position in East bay was swapped with -2 position until a replacement is available. 

10-4-2018 LEO Tipping bucket recalibration

We have recalibrated the LEO Novalynx tipping bucket. 10/4/2018 10:45pm data set onwards are using the new calibration values.


6/4/2019: The following shows the updated calibration coefficients used on the Novalynx.


Added UV sensor to LEO-OWS

A SU-100-SS-L-20 was added to the LEO-OWS.

*Found that 15 minute moving average for the HMP60, SQ110, LP02, was incorrect and has been fixed.
Unsure if 15 minute moving averaged data before 9/26/2018 12:15pm is correct.

Irrigation and seepage flowrate changed to incremental

The volume calculations for the irrigation (EX81) and seepage (Novalynx,PE102) have been update to show the change in volume between each logging time period (15 minutes) instead of cumulative volume.

Data from 9/6/2018 1:45pm onward reflect these changes.

Expect some data interruption on 9/5/2018 and 9/6/2018.

**Fixed irrigation incremental logging on 9/11/2018 11:00am. Please disregard data recorded from 9/11/2018 8am to 11am.

***EX81 incremental liters/sec can also be found on the Labview DSM.

Decagon SDI12 sensor Firmware upgrade

We have upgraded the firmware on the Decagon 5TM (V4.00) and MPS2 (V3.86) to help prolong the life of the embedded sensors on the hillslopes.

The main features of the new firmware upgrades:

  1. Only SDI12 addressed as Zero will go to awake state and send sensor read on during initial power on. All other non-zero addressed sensors will go to quiescent mode.
  2. Help sensor be more robust to brownout conditions.

The following dates were the serials of events that occurred when the aforementioned sensors were powered off or on for the upgrades.

  • 2/27/2018 - West hillslope powered off.
  • 2/28/2018 - Center hillslope powered off.
  • 3/1/2018 - West hillslope powered on.
  • 3/2/2018 - Center hillslope powered on.
  • 3/6/2018 - East hillslope powered off.
  • 3/13/2018 - East hillslope powered on.

The 2 attached documents are the full record of firmware updates from notes taken and will be updated as further troubleshooting occurs and an abbreviated version showing only removed sensors

Tipping buckets LEO

Updated- 3/6/2019

West -1 NovaLynx tipping bucket was broken, Shell was replaced on 9/8/17. Calibration done and changed in DSM on server 9/11/17 12:45 to .033305 L/tip

East-2 NovaLynx tipping bucket was re-wired, possible bad connection creating spikes in data, will monitor over next rains and re-evaluate

1/15/19- Replaced reed switches on East Bay Nova Lynx +1 and +2 locations due to switch bouncing and noisy data. 

**The Nova Lynx proxy sensors have been rewired to eliminate the terminal block inside the tipping bucket enclosures. Rusting of the terminal blocks' terminals have been shorting the terminals causing noise. The voltage suppressor bi-directional diodes have been moved out of the rusting terminal blocks to the terminal blocks in the enclosure. Note that the terminal blocks were left inside the enclosures.

2/19/2019 - Rewired LEO East
3/6/2019 - Rewired LEO West. 3/13/2019 - LEO West leak tipping bucket

3/7/2019 - Rewired LEO Center bay


Broken sprinkler head on multi 2 upon opening valve 8/1/17 7:00. Switched to Multi 1 circuit and will rain with Multi 1 today

2016126100540 East +4 flow meter swap

On Dec. 5, 2016 from 13:45-13:55, Nate changed out the PE102-75 flow meter with a PE102-38. Looking at the raw counter data it seems to be working. This was a used ebay purchase. 

Data before this time used incorrect scaling factor (1000, instead of the correct 500 for a -75).

Scaling factor was not changed at this point, since the correct value is already in place.

2016125113825 Tipping buckets using incorrect scaling factors

We discovered today the drainage tipping buckets on the East and Center slopes are using the wrong scaling factor for output data. This only effects scaled data.

Instrumentation panel damage - West P03

At approximately 9:30 on Nov. 21 an instrumentation panel (West-P03) was damaged along with a few sensor cables. Repairs underway.

Created by Michael Sibayan on 2022/05/03 16:48
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