Last modified by Michael Sibayan on 2022/05/03 16:48
This is a space to document WHEN, WHERE, WHAT in regards to facility activites within LEO
If your activity requires verbosity please create a new page and link it in your comment.
Please specify the:
TYPE of event (Maintenance, modification, installation etc)
WHEN it took place (start and end times are good)
WHERE it took place
Camera track system installation
02/02/2015 - Installation of camera track system begins in East bay. First section in position for assembly after approximately 3 hours.
02/03/2015 - Installation continues
02/09/2015 - Track in place and all sections connected along side LEO East.
Irrigation maintenance
02/03/2015 - East bay irrigation valve manifold removed by Tim to perform complete rebuild (07:30).
02/06/2015 - Rebuild of East bay irrigation valve manifold completed. Three of the electric actuators moved to West and Center hill slopes to replace faulty actuators. East bay will be missing three electric actuators until repair or replacement.