Updated- 3/6/2019

West -1 NovaLynx tipping bucket was broken, Shell was replaced on 9/8/17. Calibration done and changed in DSM on server 9/11/17 12:45 to .033305 L/tip

East-2 NovaLynx tipping bucket was re-wired, possible bad connection creating spikes in data, will monitor over next rains and re-evaluate

1/15/19- Replaced reed switches on East Bay Nova Lynx +1 and +2 locations due to switch bouncing and noisy data. 

**The Nova Lynx proxy sensors have been rewired to eliminate the terminal block inside the tipping bucket enclosures. Rusting of the terminal blocks' terminals have been shorting the terminals causing noise. The voltage suppressor bi-directional diodes have been moved out of the rusting terminal blocks to the terminal blocks in the enclosure. Note that the terminal blocks were left inside the enclosures.

2/19/2019 - Rewired LEO East
3/6/2019 - Rewired LEO West. 3/13/2019 - LEO West leak tipping bucket

3/7/2019 - Rewired LEO Center bay

Created by Nate Abramson on 2022/05/03 16:48
This wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons 2.0 license
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