Blog - posts for November 2012

LEO-E irrigation testing

On December 19, 2012 starting at 8:30am a series of irrigation tests were preformed. This test was designed to characterize the irrigation pattern (distribution of water) over the surface of the hill slope.
Test#1 - Irrigation circuit A "MP2000" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate  0.282176 liters per second
Test#2 - Irrigation circuit B "Interm" 40 minutes
-> Flow rate = 0.228867 liters per second
Test#3 - Irrigation circuit C "MP3000" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate = 0.649184 liters per second
Test#4 - Irrigation circuit D "Multi1" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate = 1.48213 liters per second
Test#5 - Irrigation circuit E "Multi2" 30 minutes
-> Flow rate = 0.765027 liters per second

LEO-E wetting on 2012-11-14

At approximately 10:30 on Dec. 14, 2012 a rain event was started using the MP2000 (A) and Interm (B) irrigation circuits on the west half of the east hill slope (negative cross slope area).
At approximately 14:35 on Dec. 14, 2012 the rain event was ended.
Inbound flow rate is unknown and was not logged.

LEO-E wetting on 2012-11-05

Monday, Nov. 5, 2012: Rain event started at 11:30 AM - ended at 4:50PM
Irrigation valves open: A,B,C,D (MP2000, Interm, MP3000, Multi1)
Reported flow rate: 1.87 liters / second

East irrigation test on 2012-11-02

Friday, Nov 2, 2012 @ 12:15 irrigation started - 14:15 irrigation stopped. Rain for two hours: Int, Multi 2, MP2000 (ABE).
Recorded flow rate: 1.2 liters per second
approx 8640 liters were applied, load cells indicated 8500kg wight change, this indicates a total depth of 2.6 cm for two hours.

Created by Michael Sibayan on 2022/05/03 16:48
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