77 posts
Tipping buckets maintenanced
On May 8th, 2015, tipping buckets -2, -1, 1, and 2 on LEO-C were disconnected from their respective portions of the seepage trough for maintenance. Data will drop to zero for all tipping buckets during this time, followed later by an ascent from zero to some level of flow.
Tipping bucket maintenanced
On May 7th the tipping bucket associated with y= - 1 on LEO-C was disconnected from the seepage drainage basin during repair. The data during this time will show a rapid decline to zero, followed later by a rapid ascent from zero to some level of flow.
New data loader application deployed
The new data loader application, written entirely in java, has been deployed on the DSC server. Details for this application will be in the software section of the LEO DSC ( Data Loader ). In addition, the status of the data loader application can be viewed on this wiki ( Data Loader Status ).
81 mm irrigation on LEO-W and LEO-C on 2015-02-12
02/12/2015 - 81 mm Irrigation event
Multi1 circuit on both Center bay and West bay opened for approximately 7 hours 10 minutes.
Start time 09:07
End time 16:18.
LEO-E_4_0_1_HMP60 damaged
02/09/2015 - At approximately 08:00 East bay above ground temp/RH probe ( LEO-E_4_0_1_HMP60 ) was damaged by gantry. Probe was torn off it's mount due to insufficient clearance after raising the mast (mast was not raised high enough) and operating the gantry up the hill slope. Data for this probe is (since time of damage) invalid.
LEO-E irrigation valve manifold rebuild
02/03/2015 - East bay irrigation valve manifold removed by Tim to perform complete rebuild (07:30).
LEO Flow meter rewiring
EX81 Flow meter re-wiring
02/03/2015 - All 3 EX81 - Tied shield drain wire to EX81 housing and panel earth ground. Data generated around 12:00 are artificial (due to re-wiring).
LEO-C_0_0_0_EX81 registering phantom flow
02/03/2015 - Since the rain event, the Center bay EX81 appears to be continuing to generate data (without flow). Investigation of this anomaly to proceed...
LEO-E Camera track system installation
02/02/2015 - Installation of camera track system begins in East bay. First section in position for assembly after approximately 3 hours.
81 mm irrigation in LEO-W and LEO-C on 2015-01-30
01/30/2015 - 81 mm Irrigation event
Multi1 circuit on both Center bay and West bay opened for approximately 7 hours 15 minutes.
Start time 09:13
End time 16:27.