Last modified by Michael Sibayan on 2022/05/03 16:48
Blog - LEO - posts for September 2023
Sep 14, 2023,
Biweekly rain modification due to power fluctuation
On 9/12/2023, the non-experimental biweekly rain was interrupted by multiple power disruptions by the utility power company. We chose to discontinue the rain and resume the remaining rain duration on 9/13/2023.
On 9/12/2023, irrigation of multi one and multi two rain circuits of approximately 3 hours 15 minutes (0830-11.45) was completed. The remaining 3 hours 45 minutes for a net duration of 7 hours was completed on 9/13/2023 0900-1245.
Sep 12, 2023,
Rain schedule post CRQ experiment
Regular biweekly rain has been changed to use MP2000 and MP3000 which is equivalent to 1.06 cm/hr, from 8.30am to 2.30pm after the CRQ experiment.
Date starting 9/12/2023 (date needs to be confirmed).