West bay CSAT3 RS422 transceiver installed
3 masts were raised (4,0) (10,-2) (10,2) at approximately 7:30 on 7/22 and were kept up until approximately 12:00 order to allow for the installation and testing of an RS422 transceiver inside the CSAT3 control box.
Center bay CSAT3 RS422 transceiver installed
3 masts were raised (4,0) (10,-2) (10,2) at approximately 12:00 on 7/9 and were kept up until approximately 12:00 on 7/10 in order to allow for the installation and testing of an RS422 transceiver inside the CSAT3 control box.
LEO-E-P03 software update 2015-06-29
June 29, 2015 from 12:00 to 17:10 cRIO-LEO-East-P03 underwent a series of software tests and ultimately a software upgrade. The device was restarted multiple times during this period which may have caused limited or unreliable data generated. This effects the up-slope most GMM222, HFP-1, HFP-1SC, TCAV and Model3130. The software testing and update are to allow higher-frequency (5Hz) data logging of the CSAT3 anemometer.
LEO-W-P03 software update
June 26, 2015 from 11:00 to 12:00 cRIO-LEO-West-P03 underwent a software upgrade. Limited data was generated from this controller during this time. This effects the up-slope most GMM222, HFP-1, HFP-1SC, TCAV and Model3130. The software update allows monitoring the up-slope most above ground instrumentation.
LEO-C-P03 software update
June 25, 2015 from 07:30 to 10:00 cRIO-LEO-Center-P03 underwent a software upgrade. No data was generated from this controller during this time. This effects the up-slope most GMM222, HFP-1, HFP-1SC, TCAV and Model3130. The software update allows monitoring the up-slope most above ground instrumentation.
Irrigation on LEO-C on 2015-05-09
On LEO-C, Multi-1 valve opened at 3:15pm and closed at 4:15pm.
Leaking ports sealed
The irrigation events on LEO-C and LEO-W on 2/10/15 revealed that water leaked from several of the port holes in the base of the structure. On LEO-C leaks were observed at port holes at x=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16 and y=0. Leaks were also observed at x=6, y= -1 and +1. On LEO-W leaks were observed at x=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and y=0. To correct these leaks small holes were drilled into the acrylic tubing where sensor cables span out of the slope. Dural 2-part low viscosity epoxy was injected through the hole to fill air space within the tubing, and hopefully provide a perfect seal. The rain event on 4/29/2015 on LEO-C and LEO-W generated a water table that covered most of these locations, and no leaks were observed. We preemptively performed the same sealing operation on ports at x=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and y=-2 and +2 on LEO-C and LEO-W, in anticipation that the water table may regularly expand to that extent.
Attempted repair of seepage basin leak
On LEO-C there is a leak somewhere near the seepage trough near the y=0 coordinate. The drip can be seen from the south side of the steel structure. The exact source of the leak could not be determined. Epoxy sealant was applied within the drainage basin immediately above the observed drip, in areas where there was standing water around the drainage hole. This did not stop the leak. The leak rate appears similar to, or greater, than the amount of water actually seeping from the gravel into the y=-1 portion of the seepage trough. Based on that observation the leak may source from a location slightly upslope of the trough. All seepage data on LEO-C prior to this time will be inaccurate because of this leak. For the short term, we have placed two 208 L barrels under the drip locations, and will equip the barrels with HOBO water level loggers to monitor the leak rate, which will allow us to correct the time series of seepage from the landscape.
Tipping buckets maintenanced
On May 8th, 2015, tipping buckets -2, -1, 1, and 2 on LEO-C were disconnected from their respective portions of the seepage trough for maintenance. Data will drop to zero for all tipping buckets during this time, followed later by an ascent from zero to some level of flow.
Tipping bucket maintenanced
On May 7th the tipping bucket associated with y= - 1 on LEO-C was disconnected from the seepage drainage basin during repair. The data during this time will show a rapid decline to zero, followed later by a rapid ascent from zero to some level of flow.