Sensor Code: | 5TM |
Sensor: | 5TM from Decagon Devices Inc. |
Measurement: | Volumetric water content (%) and Temperature (°C) |
Output 1: | Apparent dielectric permittivity (unit-less) | | Range 1: | 1 to 80 |
Output 2: | Temperature (°C) | | Range 2: | -40 to 50 |
Output 3: |  | | Range 3: | 0 to 50 |
C8 soil calibration as provided by Decagon Devices on August 15, 2011. Database uses coefficients A=17.8, B=40.9
Sensor Code: | MPS-2 |
Sensor: | MPS-2 from Decagon Devices Inc. |
Measurement: | Matric soil potential (kPa) and Temperature (°C) |
Output 1: | Matric soil potential (kPa) | | Range 1: | -5 to -500 |
Output 2: | Temperature (°C) | | Range 2: | -40 to 50 |
Sensor Code: | TCAV |
Sensor: | TCAV from Campbell Scientific Inc. |
Measurement: | Spatial average temperature (°C) |
Output 1: | Temperature (°C) | | Range 1:-40 to 50 |
Sensor Code: | HFP-1 & HFP-1SC |
Sensor: | HFP-1 & HFP-1SC from Hukseflux Inc. |
Measurement: | Heat flux (Watts / m2) |
Output 1: | Volts | | Range 1: | -0.1 to 0.1 |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | -2000 to 2000 |
Each sensor has its own calibration coefficient (k), see database. k is nominally 50μV / W / m2
SC version of this sensor has control for an internal heater
Sensor Code: | GMM222 |
Sensor: | GMM222 from Vaisala Inc. |
Measurement: | CO2 Concentration (ppm) |
Output 1: | Volts | | Range 1: | 0 to 2.5 |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | 0 to 5000, 0 to 7000 (depending on range) |
k is either 5000ppm or 7000ppm
Sensor Code: | Model3130 |
Sensor: | Model3130 from Honeywell International Inc. |
Measurement: | Force (converted to mass in kg) |
Output 1: | mV/V (unit-less) | | Range 1: | -0.003 to 0.003 |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | 0 to 2*108 |
Calibration coefficient, k, is the output at the rated MaxLoad (kip). For mass calculations: m=F/a, where a is 9.80665 (gravity) and 1 kip = 4448.2216 newtons (N)
Sensor Code: | Model41 |
Sensor: | Model41 from Honeywell International Inc. |
Measurement: | Force (converted to mass in kg) |
Output 1: | mV/V (unit-less) | | Range 1: | -0.003 to 0.003 |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | 0 to 2*108 |
Calibration coefficient, k, is the output at the rated MaxLoad (lbs). The calibration parameters are provided to calculate lbs, therefore the conversion to kg requires 0.45359
Sensor Code: | EX81 |
Sensor: | EX81P from Seametrics Inc. |
Measurement: | Volume of flow |
Output 1: | Pulses (unit count) | | Range 1: | 0 to 1000000 |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | 0 to ? |
Sensor Code: | PE102 |
Sensor: | PE102 from Seametrics Inc. |
Measurement: | Volume of flow (Liters) |
Output 1: | Pulses (unit count) | | Range 1: | 0 to 600000 |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | 0 to ? |
For the "-075" model, k = 500 pulses per liter. For the low flow "-032" model, k = 1000 pulses per liter.
Sensor Code: | NovaLynx |
Sensor: | 260-2501-A from NovaLynx |
Measurement: | Volume of flow (Liters) |
Output 1: | Pulses (unit count) | | Range 1: | 0 to 60 (per minute) |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | 0 to ? |
The rain gauge is designed to measure inches of rain at 0.01” per tip. When used as a flow meter, each tip corresponds to a specific volume of water. With an 8” input area this equates to 0.5024 cu. in. or 0.008237 liters of water.
k (rainfall) = 0.01”/tip, k (volume) = 0.008237 liters/tip
The calibration parameter, k, is determined empirically.
Sensor Code: | TB |
Sensor: | Any valid tipping bucket flow meter |
Measurement: | Volume of flow (Liters) |
Output 1: | Pulses (unit count) | | Range 1: | Unspecified |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | Unspecified |
The rain gauge tipping bucket is designed to measure height of rain per tip. When used as a flow meter, each tip corresponds to a specific volume of water.
The calibration parameter, k, is determined empirically.
Sensor Code:PTB110 |
Sensor: | PTB110 from Vaisala |
Measurement: | Barometric pressure (hPa) |
Output 1: | Volts | | Range 1: | 0 to 2.5 |
Output 2: |  | | Range 2: | 500 to 1100 |
pmax and pmin refer to the range of the sensor. Vmax is the voltage at maximum calibrated pressure.
Sensor Code: | DeviceT |
Sensor: | Onboard temperature measurement of any device given in degrees Celsius |
Measurement: | Temperature (C) |
Output 1: | Temperature (C) | | Range 1: | unspecified |
Sensor Code: | TC-x |
Sensor: | Thermocouple of type “x” where “x” is any valid thermocouple type (E.g. E,K,T,…) |
Measurement: | Temperature (C) |
Output 1: | Temperature (C) | | Range 1: | unspecified |
Sensor Code: | Model81000VRE |
Sensor: | Model 81000VRE from Young Company |
Measurement: | Wind velocity and air characteristics |
Output 1: | Speed (m/s) – air speed | | | Range 1: | 0 to 40 |
Output 2: | Angle (degrees) -- direction | | | Range 2: | 0 to 360 |
Output 3: | Angle (degrees) -- elevation | | | Range 3: | -60 to +60 |
Output 4: | Speed (m/s) – speed of sound | | | Range 4: | 300 to 360 |
Output 5: | Temperature (C) | | | Range 5: | -50 to 50 |
Sensor Code: | CSAT3 |
Sensor: | CSAT3 from Campbell Scientific |
Measurement: | Three component wind velocity and speed of sound |
Output 1: | Ux (m/s) – air speed | | Range 1: | -65.5 to 65.5 |
Output 2: | Ux (m/s) – air speed | | Range 2: | -65.5 to 65.5 |
Output 3: | Ux (m/s) – air speed | | Range 3: | -65.5 to 65.5 |
Output 4: | Speed (m/s) – speed of sound | | Range 4: | 300 to 366 |
Sensor Code: | HMP60 |
Sensor: | HMP60 from Vaisala (sold by Campbell Scientific) |
Measurement: | Relative Humidity, Temperature |
Output 1: | Volts | | Range 1: | 0 to 1 |
Output 2: | Volts | | Range 2: | 0 to 1 |
Output 3: | Relative Humidity (%) = Output1 * 10 | | Range 3: | 0 to 100% |
Output 4: | Temperature (C) = Output2 * 100 - 40 | | Range 4: | -40 to +60 |
Sensor Code: | DVI7911 |
Sensor: | DVI7911 from Davis Instruments |
Measurement: | Wind velocity and direction |
Output 1: | Pulse count | | Range 1: | unspecified |
Output 2: | V/V (unit-less) | | Range 2: | 0 to 1 |
Output 3: | Average speed (m/s) = Output1 * k / T | | Range 3: | unspecified |
Output 4: | Direction (degrees) = Output2 * 360 | | Range 4: | 0 to 360 |
Sensor Code: | SQ-110 |
Sensor: | SQ-110 from Apogee |
Measurement: | Photosynthetic photon flux |
Output 1: | Volts |
| Range 1: | 0 to 0.8 |
Output 2: | photon flux (µmol * m-2 * s-1) = Output1 * k |
| Range 2: | 0 to 4000 |
Sensor Code: | CS451 |
Sensor: | CS451 from Campbell Scientific |
Measurement: | Pressure (water level) |
Output 1: | Pressure (PSI) | | Range 1: | 0 to 2.9 |
Output 2: | Temperature (C) | | Range 2: | 0 to 60 |
Output 3: | Water level (cmH2O) = Output1 * 70.307 + offset | | Range 3: | 0 to 200 |
The value of "offset" is determined empirically
Sensor Code: | T4 / T4E |
Sensor: | T4 / T4E from Umwelt Monitoring Systems (UMS) |
Measurement: | Soil water tension |
Output 1: | Volts | | Range 1: | -0.1 to 0.085 |
Output 2: | Tension (kPa) = Output1 * (-1000) + offset | | Range 2: | -85 to 100 |
Sensor Code: | WTW340 |
Sensor: | WTW340 from WTW |
Measurement: | Electrical conductivity (µS/cm) |
Output 1: | Voltage | | Range 1: | 0 to 5 |
Output 2: | Conductivity (micro-siemens / cm) | | Range 2: | Unspecified |
Sensor Code: | VALWORX |
Sensor: | VALWORX Ball Valve |
Measurement: | Valve state |
Output 1: | Valve State | | Range 1: | 1, 0, -1, -9999 |
The valve contains two SPST-NO relays. One relay is used to indicate an open valve, and the other is used to indicate a closed valve.
The output logged to the database is determined by the table below.
Open Relay | Closed Relay | Indicated State |
0 (Low) | 0 (Low) | 0 (Unknown/Transition) |
1 (High) | 0 (Low) | 1 (Open) |
0 (Low) | 1 (High) | -1 (Closed) |
1 (High) | 1 (High) | -9999 (Inconsistent) |
Sensor Code: | LI7000 |
Sensor: | LI-COR LI-7000 |
Measurement: | CO2 & H2O concentration |
Output 1: | Cell A CO2 Concentration (umol/mol) | | Range 1: | 0-3000 |
Output 2: | Cell B CO2 Concentration (umol/mol) | | Range 1: | 0-3000 |
Output 3: | Cell A H2O Concentration (mmol/mol) | | Range 2: | 0-60 |
Output 4: | Cell B H2O Concentration (mmol/mol) | | Range 1: | 0-60 |
Output 5: | Cell B Pressure (kPa) | | Range 1: | 0-115 |
Output 6: | IRGA Temperature (C) | | Range 1: | 0-3000 |