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1 Note taking is important! This wiki provides a space to share relevant information with the rest of the research community. We achieve this using the Blog feature.
3 Step 1) Log in. You must have a valid University of Arizona NetID AND you must be registered in the wiki system as a contributor. Contact Biosphere 2 technical support for details or registration.
4 Step 2) Navigate to "Create blog entry"
6 [[image:home_page.png]]
8 Step 3) Change the title to something useful. The default title is a combination of the date, time, and your user name. Change it to something that describes the entry.
9 Step 4) Add some content. Be descriptive! People want to know What, Where, When, etc. If you need to add more content than is fitting for a blog, you can link the blog entry to a new page.
11 [[image:new_blog_entry.png]]
13 Step 5) Specify the categories. This is useful for organizing the blog, so choose any/all categories related to the blog entry.
14 Step 6) Set to publish. We want this entry published so everyone can see it.
15 Step 7) Save and view.
17 [[image:publish_blog_entry.png]]
19 Congratulations, you just contributed to science!
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